A meeting of people


Our Services for Clients

We believe in a participative approach to your rehabilitation

We believe in a participative approach to your rehabilitation – as a client, you’ll undergo an initial assessment where we work with you to identify your own individual support and rehabilitation needs. This tailored approach enables us to work with you to agree worthwhile activities – and set meaningful goals – that will help you to get the most out of the time you spend with us.

How we help

We offer a wide range of activities to help you achieve your goals. All the activities are aimed at increasing independence and confidence, and will form an integral part of your tailored rehabilitation programme.

Centre Based Activities include: Cognitive Sessions

- To increase general stimulation of the brain.
- To introduce compensatory strategies
- To encourage appropriate social interaction
- To build confidence and increase motivation

Health Professional Services

- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and language therapy

Functional Living Skills

- Cooking groups
- Daily living skills
- Fatigue management classes

Educational / Leisure Activities

- Art
- Craft
- Gardening
- Singing
- Digital Photography
- Mindfulness
- Sound Baths
- Computing
- Cookery

Non Centre Based Activities:

Community Brain Injury Advisor Service

The aim of the Community Brain Injury Advisor Service (CBIA) is to provide help and advice for clients within their local community. CBIA work with the client on a 1:1 basis, helping them to achieve tailored, personalised goals within their rehabilitation.

Our Services for Families and Carers

At Headway Bedford we recognise that the traumatic effects of brain injury are not just experienced by the clients, but also by everyone around them, including their families and carers.

We’ll make sure you’re fully involved in the client’s initial assessment, goal setting, and regular reviews. We’ll also offer you separate one-to-one meetings to discuss your own needs Read more about our services for families and carers.

A man getting his photo taken
A group meeting

Make a Donation

As a registered charity, donations are crucial to our ability to provide a high level of service to people affected by brain injury in the Bedfordshire area.