Here are some examples of goals that past clients have worked towards and achieved:
At Headway Bedford, we recognise that all clients have their own aims and goals, depending on what stage they’ve reached in their recovery. Our service enables and encourages clients to achieve their aims and goals.Improved social skills / social interaction
- Ellen has learned how to use Skype, and now uses it regularly to keep in contact with her friends and family overseas
- Karen has gained stability and friendship through her time at Headway Bedford and has enjoyed the opportunity to learn from others
- Paul is now independent in sending and receiving emails and is able to communicate with friends and family who don’t live locally
- Bob has now returned to playing darts with his darts team
Employment / volunteering / leisure
- Sarah completed her distance learning course, and has now enrolled in a mainstream college course
- Jeff is now volunteering in Shefford one day a week
- Wesley has now been to the golf course several times to practice his putting
- John has learned to use his camera with support, and takes photos at home on a regular basis
Carer / family member
- Jack stopped trying to leave the house at night, enabling his daughter to sleep in her own room again
- Dave’s wife felt better able to cope, and was able to go out and meet her friends for the first time since her husband’s injury
Physical improvements
- James built up his standing tolerance from zero to an average of 2-3 minutes, and can now stand unaided for dressing/undressing
- Gloria is now able to walk a short distance with the support of two people
- Martin has learned how to walk around safely at home using a small based quad stick
- Tina is now walking around Headway Bedford unaided
Increased independence
- Sam planned and prepared a meal from scratch, for himself and two friends
- Frank has implemented budgeting strategies and now feels more confident in managing his money
- Sheila was able to submit her application to move house
- John travelled by bus into town on his own, and was able to buy his wife a Christmas present independently
- Mark learned how to do his food shopping online
- James is now making a plan for each day and following it
- Barbara now regularly chooses, plans and cooks meals with support from Headway Bedford
- Natalie is now able to put her own mascara on
- Paul is now able to manage his medication independently
Improved communication
- John now has the confidence to initiate a conversation with different clients at Headway Bedford
- Gordon reports increased confidence in communicating, and now uses total communication techniques to communicate with family and friends
- Mike is a valued member of the Communication Group and has begun acting as a peer mentor for newer group members